Hi. I'm Dr. Moshe Newman. I am a chiropractor practicing Network Spinal Analysis (aka Network Chirorpactic) for over 23 years. Beginning about seven years ago, I developed SHeM1 Chiropractic™ partly in answer to a question which bothered me about the wonderful work I had been using to help my patients--Network Spinal Analysis. The question was, "Even as great a NSA is for helping people feel not only healthier and happier than they have ever felt, even though it helped me release old anger and rage as well as to experience a depth of bliss and awe that I would never have imagined (better than any meditation I had ever done) nevertheless, why should people need to spend so much time and money on practitioners and weekend retreats. Can't we have these experiences without needing an NSA doctor?" 

In SHeM1, I have developed tools for not only helping you feel healthier physically and emotionally, but also to help you develop more and more confidence in your self-healing abilities; enabling you to have a deeper, more consistent experience of peace, love, joy and gratitude with decreasing need for any type of doctor or healing practitioner. From clinical experience and my own personal healing journey, I have learned how help you to feel more and more safe inside gradually reducing your need for me until you're ready to fly solo.

I received my Bachelor's degree in Music (Opera Performance) from the University of Iowa, fulfilled Bachelor of Science studies at Nassau Community College and received my Doctorate in Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College.

I am also involved in rabbinical and other meditative studies. I am a composer, performer, martial artist and am developing a new powerful physical, emotional and spiritual workout protocol called "Hisbodedance."